
Inspiring a brighter future for girls and women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), where she is not the only one, but one of many.

Women are still under-represented in the STEM workforce in Wales. This not only means that women are missing out on high quality, well-paid roles in sectors with long term growth, but our economy is missing out on the innovation and creativity that a more diverse STEM workforce can achieve.


Inspiring a future where:

Every girl and woman is empowered to explore her interests in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics without any barriers or biases.

Classrooms and workplaces are inclusive environments that celebrate diversity, and girls and women are encouraged to pursue their passions with confidence.

Contributions of girls and women in STEM are fully recognised and valued, leading to a more equitable and prosperous society for ALL.

A future where she is not the only one, but one of many.

Women and STEM in Wales

Women are absent from shaping the inclusive solutions we need through the design and development of STEM technologies, products, and services, that adequately address the diverse needs of women.

Addressing women's under-representation in STEM is essential for a thriving Welsh economy, successful STEM workplaces and addressing gender inequality.


Gender stereotypes start affecting women’s career choices from the early phases of education for both girls and boys and subject choices continue to conform to traditional stereotypes.


Women in STEM sectors and occupations: Construction 17.4%, Energy 24%, Manufacturing 23.4%, Transport 22.3% and ICT 23.8%.

Test Tube

Higher Education programmes in STEM accessed by Women: Engineering and Technology 17.6%, Computing 20.7% and Mathematical Sciences 36%.

Magnifying Glass

Apprenticeships held by women in STEM: Construction 6.9%, Engineering 6.2%, Manufacturing 13.9% and Transportation 17.9%.


Women make up 70% of the workforce within sectors and occupations that are at high risk of digitalisation and automation.

Oak Leaf

Women are severely under-represented in all sectors that are central to the transition to net zero and a greener Wales.


Our mission is to shatter barriers and promote gender equality in STEM industries by empowering women and businesses through education, opportunity and action.

Her Place will:


Education and employment, showcasing diverse career pathways into STEM for girls and women, featuring a variety of educational and professional development opportunities, to build confidence and skills, ensuring girls and women can realise and reach their full potential.


Girls and women through delivery of collaborative events, networks, programmes and initiatives, recognising and celebrating the crucial role women play in STEM innovation in Wales.


Sustainable solutions that acknowledge, address and remove structural barriers that prevent women from entering and remaining in STEM careers, creating supportive, gender equal and inclusive work environments that benefit everyone.

Her Place is in

Aerospace AI Archaeology Biology Chemistry Construction Cyber Data Digital Engineering Economics Forensics Genetics Geoscience Manufacturing Mechanics
Medicine Neuroscience Pharmaceuticals Physics Programming Renewable Energy Radiology Robotics Sustainability Software Developing Transport Urban Planning

Her Place is wherever she chooses to be. Her Place is in STEM.